Before becoming counsellors we worked in Human Resources and Learning & Development. We’ve seen organisations grow, change and contract; and with over 30yrs experience between us we can appreciate the types of stresses many employers and employees face on a daily basis. 

Mental health issues such as stress and anxiety stop people from doing their jobs effectively - it is estimated the cost to UK business is around £30 billion pounds every year with 91 million days lost to mental illness. Mental health problems are rarely caused by work alone, but if the workplace is not set up to support them it can tip an employee over the brink.

We understand the pressures absence and underperformance can have on organisations and teams, and we can offer a package of support for both employers and employees.

For Employees - We offer 1:1 confidential counselling on site or at our premises. Therapy can be agreed on a short-term or long-term basis. In the first instance, we would recommend a short course of 6-8 sessions. The service is confidential between client and counsellor. Only booked or attended sessions would be chargeable (we have a policy of 24 hours advance notice for cancellations of booked appointments).

For Organisations - We offer support, including:

  • Training for organisations in how to effectively manage the disruptive effects of change within the workplace
  • Training for managers in how to spot “stress”
  • Training for managers to help them understand what they can do (e.g. appropriate listening skills) – this can be useful in all situations, not just employee wellbeing, for example when completing performance reviews or interviewing

For further information, contact us.

What our clients say:

"I am surprised about the impact and change the counselling has made to me and my daily life"

" I took ownership of my feelings"